We have waited for the return of our fathers. The fathers who have left their wives and children abandoned and brokenhearted, saying, “I will return.”
But when you have seen your mother work herself to the point of death to feed three mouths, to put a roof over her family’s heads,
When you have seen your sibling bound with chains and shackles of the enemy,
When you have to stay strong because one wrong move will send your Glass Castle crashing to the ground,
When you suddenly find out that your bed of roses has wilted, has withered. For your love has left,
When you take every second, minute, hour to ensure that you’re occupied because to be with your thoughts is unbearable,
When you are constantly put down and labeled as ‘no good’ by people who do not matter,
When you are hoping for the sun to shine but the moon blocks your view,
When you are in a sea full of people yet swim alone,
Then you will know that time does not heal all wounds, words mean nothing to the brokenhearted, and a dream is a dream that we all wish would come true.
- r.p.