Vosburg and Putney
Andy and George were two young boys
Stuck in a class with no toys.
Bored and ready to go
The time was ticking way too slow.
Reaching across the aisle for a tap.
Hit poor Andy under the shin cap.
Feeling nothing from the hit
Then growing pain began to emit.
Out the next couple of days
Mind and body in a painful haze
Doctor comes to check it out
Kid needs surgery without a doubt.
Open the leg and what we see
Bacteria had damaged below the knee
Lose the leg or lose his life
Off it goes with a knife.
As they were in a class
Not the playground; not in the grass
And as such
Intent was found to touch.
The defendant need not know
The plaintiff’s physical bio
For results surely tell
The plaintiff had an egg shell.
And so we say
Without delay
That kick from Putney
Constituted a battery.