Violent Shootout
There are terrorist that take innocent lives
And commit random impetuosity to please their vengeance,
Depriving the earth of souls.
The crime done is permanent and vile
But cannot be expunged from your record;
In the world, there are heroes that save entity
And restore the peace that was once stolen,
Interpolating the shattered pieces.
In the universe, there are guardians that defend the people,
But have shields to protect them from harm,
As they sacfrice their life on the line;
The ones that face the danger are brave.
The ones that stand in the way of trouble travel in an evil creation,
Fighting virtuous force against deleterious culprits,
Corrupting the air of our society;
Once the deputy eliminates the affliction,
Harmony takes place of vehemence,
Inserting serenity of amorousness that surrounds vitality.