We live in a world of violence
Violence, violence everywhere
There is violence in the word itself
It lies in the way the word explodes out of your mouth
Vowels and consonants crashing into each other
Like waves on a shore, colliding and climbing over each other
Racing to get to the shore first
But is the violent nature of the waves so bad?
Many are comforted by the sounds of the waves
As many are comforted in the blow of someone’s fist
There is a certain violence in the way lips collide in a fit of desperation and passion
Mashing up against each other and shoving the air out of the way
There is a certain violence in the way children run through a field of flowers
Leaving a path of distraught petals and tossed up soil as their laughter cuts through the air
There is even a certain violence in the way a baby smiles
Their innocence piercing straight through the hearts of everyone around them
We are all violent in nature
Ripping flowers from their stems
Smothering our lovers with our arms in an embrace
Maiming a blank canvas with color
Hanging Christmas lights by the skin of their neck
I think we can all agree that there is a certain beauty in violence
A certain beauty that slaughters us all, that hacks us with its intensity
So yes, we live in a world of violence
But there is nothing more beautiful than the world we live in