Crystal blue eyes, windows to a universe.
Blooming rose lips, door to passion.
Sunbeam smile, key to dreams.
Deep brown spiral roller coaster locks, mirror to fiery thoughts.
Against the dark, a blanket of moonbeam skin. Hint of gold.
Natural form: a viola. Soft curves into a graceful neck.
My heart, the strings. Its single song, my voice.
Rising from the distance. Deep and ardent. Belonging to Earth.
A melody sweet, but fire in its inspiration. Untouched. Fear never beckoning.
Me. Perfect.
sLiThEr. HiSs. CaCkLe. gRoAn. SnAp!
Eyes tired.
Windows close.
Lips scarred.
Door shuts.
Smile yellow.
Key breaks.
Locks split.
Mirror shatters.
Skin pale. Red spotted. Pain.
Moon blackens.
Fool. Clown. Low. Natural is UgLy.
Shave Pluck Underwear Bra Pants Belt Shirt Socks Shoes Necklace Bracelets Nail polish Perfume Primer Foundation Eye shadow primer Eye shadow Eye liner Mascara Blush
Cover Up.
BeAuTiFuL. YeSsSsS.
Rising from the distance. A melody sweet. Ardent. Belonging to Earth.
Fire in its inspiration. Untouched. Fear never beckoning.
Universe Passion Dreams Fiery Gold Graceful Deep
Uncover Beautiful.
That is me.