The Veil of Night
It happens to us all
The weak, mighty, and small
Each one taking carful strides
Hiding behind the veil of lies
We can’t let them see them see what’s beneath
For if they do, what might they think?
Would they joke, laugh, and mock?
And hate me for what I’m not?
To my front, they say they accept my genuine heart
But to my back, even my true friends depart
There are those who will fight
Through the dark veil of night
To be content with their true identity
From now and to infinity
Because we should have no shame
And there should be no blame
For my personality has no flaw
From my living spring I will draw
The courage to display my true soul
Even to those who are still cold
I am made to be unique
And should always speak
Even when words seem to fail
My heart and soul shall prevail