The value of a Job
My once white skin now a dark tan
10 years old and already working with my hands
My mother and father didn’t come from much but we got by with what we had
A job
Enough to eat and get by on these rags I call clothes
My chapped lips and dry hands begging for a drop of water
A job
Working in the hot fields and through the cherry tress
Dry asparagus grounds as all the children look at me
A job
My once wasted of a life
I’ve searched high for a calling
At ripe 18 I searched for myself
A job
That took away my child hood but made me a man
Lead me to seek higher heights and fire flight of beacons in the sky
Great opportunities from hard work that I otherwise wouldn’t have
A job
That feed me and no matter how hard has allowed me to propel forward
A job has humbled me
A job has changed my life
A job I thank God for every second of
As I seek higher education, I’ll never forget my roots nor am I ashamed of where I came from
As job will lead me to my calling and
A job will lead me to my career