The Valid Other
My gender
is between my ears.
It is not
between my legs.
It is not defined
by biology or by my blood,
it is defined by identity
and by knowing
that I am not the young lady
you thought I would turn out to be.
My gender
is the person I want to go to bed as,
not the person I want to go to bed with.
It is not determined by my desire
to hold a woman.
It is determined by understanding
that while my body
may tell you otherwise
I am not a woman myself.
My gender
is the way I see myself
not the way the world sees my appearance.
It is not the skirt
that hangs in my closet,
nor the bowtie
I wore to synagogue last week.
It is the choice to shorten my name
to an androgynous "Em"
so that whether I am Emma
or I am Emmett
in that moment I am only me.
My gender
is a spectrum
not a rigid binary.
I am not my mother's daughter
but I am also not her son.
I am not one who can simply
"act like a lady"
or "fight like a man",
I am a person
whose identity is as complex
as as quantum physics
and whose life
is a daily struggle to be understood.
Because my gender
is other,
but my gender
is also valid.