utterly tired
I am an individual you see
I am not supressed or opressed
I do things my own way
I lay on my kitchen floor
I sing on the toilet
I pass gass freely
I make weird sounds when I'm by myself
I masturbate without judgment
But I am back to school now
And it is abnormal to do things your own way
It is scary to be free
It is not good to sprawl
because we are confined to such a small space you see
We must hold what is natural in
natural is the enemy and superficial is the envy
We must not make a fool of ourselves
For humans must not be labeled as weird
And girls, lets be honest! GIRLS WHO MASTURBATE ARE WEIRD...
masturbation is for the boys dont you see
Also girls, lets enjoy being put down
lets get used to being sexualized by students and by teachers
Lets revert back to captivity
Becasue summer is over and we are once again caged