Us, Together.
A string branches from the windows to your soul; connecting
Us as we stare with the violent intentions of conquering
The world together.
The string tightens and we unconsciously lean
Forward where the beads of my neckwear tap on your chest with a
Slight rattle. The string wavers as your mouth crinkles up with your
Delight at the sound. It further tightens as I give a fake glare, hoping you cannot
See the smiling shine in my irises. You
Apologize with no words and trace the
Constellations across my nose with a fascinated expression
I can't quite put my finger on. The string is consistently tugging, and
I can see every strand of blue and myself reflected, every
Imperfection and we're falling
The string gives one final tug and your crinkled up smile is
On and in and over my clumsy lips until a rhythm is reached
Between our blood flow and heart beats and breathing. The string unravels as
We pull away, but it strengthens until a steel cable is