
The sky is always blue. 

Even when you think it's grey

The sun is always shining. 

Even if you can't see it

White puffs of cotton is all you can see from this proximity

Sometimes a river or two, even the great ocean blue

Don't underestimate the height of your dreams, 

for once you reach the sky, 

you begin to see that there's far more than you and I, 

and that it'll continue on and on, 

I may sound like a broken record, but for the record, 

The world is limitless, 

In what you can do, 

In what you can see, 

You shall notice, 

That you may do as you please, 


the beauty, 

the art,

and the creativity in which we all hold. 

The misfortune is,

we can't see it all within ourselves

And somethings end for the new beginnings to unfold

and even as you grow old, remember

The sun is always shining, 

and the sky is always blue, 

Even when all you see is grey. 



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