
You're miserable and you want an escape
You want nothing more than to run away
You open the drawer and pull out the blade
Press it to your skin and it takes you away
You've gotten your escape, your way out
You're never gonna stop long enough to be found

Whatever you do, don't let go
Things will be better tomorrow

When you hit rock bottom, with nowhere left to fall
When you want to let go of it all
Tell yourself just one thing
There's something you're forgetting
Tomorrow will be better, it has to be
That's something you need to see
When you feel the end is near
Remember there's nowhere to go but up from here

You're so upset and want to get away
You want nothing more than to fade
You open the cabinet and pull out the meds
Write a letter to be found when you're dead
You've found a way out, a back door
You don't stop to consider there could be more

 When you think you've had enough
Remember there's no way to go but up
When you feel there's no reason to go on
Remember that storms only last for so long


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741