Rapists, criminals, drug dealers.
Is that who we are?
Is that our projection to this nation?
Hardworking, loyal, and persistent.
Striving for their dreams
Striving for a better life for their families,
For an uncorrupt government,
For a safe community.
Constantly rising from the hurt, the hate,
And discrimination.
When my mom sacrificed all she had in her country to move here,
Her family, her culture,
For the future, she told herself.
But is this the future she imagined?
A place where white supremacy ruled,
And where there was no opportunity,
No equality.
Where prejudice, hate,
And discrimination dominated all platforms.
A place where, she, despite her efforts
to be a part of the community,
would not be accepted.
Even when she became a citizen,
Proud to be an American,
She was unwelcomed.
Manipulated, hurt, and despised.
When my aunt lives in fear
Of a country that doesn’t want her,
Working 10 hours a day,
6 days a week
In back-breaking work
For people who don’t want her; she is
My friend, whose parents
Went through the unforgiving terrain
and rampant waters
To get to a country they hoped to call home,
But when they came, did they find that home?
No, they were unwelcomed, threatened with
the ever-so-luminous act of
Rapists, criminals, drug dealers.
Is that my mom?
My aunt?
My friend’s parents?
The millions who have come here in pursuit of
Happiness, life, and liberty.
But live empty handed.
They are torn apart, ravaged, and killed
By a country that refuses to extend their hand and
welcome them.