My wrists sting with pain
From the night before.
I’m just so lost,
So insecure.
No one realizes
How bad it really is,
But what can I say?
I’m only a kid.
No one would understand
Why I feel this way.
Even I don’t,
And I can’t explain.
Slipping deeper &deeper
Into this black hole.
All of us are just wandering souls.
No one to talk to,
No one who cares.
Everyone so oblivious,
So unaware.
I’m so scared.
I’m losing myself.
But this is more me
Than I’ve ever felt.
No more lying,
No more crying,
I’ve got to be strong.
Don’t let them see
That anything’s wrong.
On the outside I’m fine
While I’m dying inside.
But it’s okay
As long as no one sees
The real me.
Even those I can “trust”
Just treat me like shit.
They make me feel like
I should crawl into a pit.
No not a pit,
That’s too naïve.
A grave is more like it,
And that’s what it’ll be.
Finally six feet under
That’s where I should be
And endless sleep…
Sounds perfect to me.