
Sun, 07/21/2013 - 00:39 -- -AE

Everyday I run and I hide,
I run from my life,
I hide from my past,
but one thing stays constant,
that tiny piece of metal,
that makes me feel so weak.

it seems to always be there,
it tells me I'll feel better,
I know that I won't,
but I still cling to the hope.

they say I'm unstable,
they want to lock me away,
I understand that I'm different,
but is that so bad?

I gave in to the pressures of my life,
does that make me weak?
does that mean I'm unstable?
I don't understand.

what is it that makes me different?
my music?
my life?
my thoughts?
my dreams?

whatever it is that makes me different,
I wish it was gone.


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