A Life With More Meaning
I am just a small part of this huge world
I am like a moth is to a flame
I am drawn to my own problems that to you seem nothing more than pearls
And like many others I react to them in vain.
I only see what affects my future
I worry about my grades and hanging out with my friends
When a siuation arrives wether or not im engaged it depends
On how much it affects my road and path to success.
But lately I wonder if my life is just about me
Or if I surve a better purpose and that pupose is to be
A person of concern for the lives of others
A blessing not in disguise to what you may call many sisters and brothers
I want to be a person called a problem solver
I want to be what may seem very cliche
I want to cloth the clothless and help someone who is helpless
I want to feed someone who is hungry and be kind to whomever I may