To Understand the Difference Between Birth and Life
The air was cool that morning,
Matching the sky’s lavender and peachy hues.
Vehicular white noise
And the wind’s quiet whispers
Lulled the peaceful baby to sleep.
The baby was covered with an old ivory towel
And lay inside a paper box.
Her cheeks were rosy
at the touch of Autumn’s cold breath
And she was dressed in a onesie the color of vanilla.
Small, red flower speckled her clothing
And faint flecks
Of ebony hair
were lifted gently by the breeze.
It was typical to find small girls like this,
Nestled in the heart of urbanization
And rural villages alike.
It was typical for small souls
Like her
To be shouldered with the label
As an “economic burden”
As soon as they’re out of the womb.
At the age of nine,
She lay in a twin bed, crying.
“I want to see my mom and dad,”
She sobbed through sharp inhales and sniffles.
Not the mother who raised her, but the mother who gave her the precious gift of birth.
Naivety compelled her heart
Into longing for the mother and father she’d never known.
At the age of twelve,
She saw an unfamiliar face in the mirror
Staring straight back at her.
The girl she saw in the mirror was
“Too tan,”
“Had hair and eyes too dark,”
“Eyes too small,”
And “No nose bridge,”
Unlike her friends around her
Who all had
Lighter skin,
Bright blonde or brown hair,
Larger eyes,
And a more prominent nose bridge.
To be beautiful, she thought,
She needed to look like
her mother
and those around her.
At age seventeen,
She stretched her hands out
Toward the white and pale pink plum blossoms overhead.
The air was warm that evening,
Matching the sky’s fiery display of lilac and tangerine.
Vehicular white noise
And the chirping of sparrows
Wrapped a blanket around her uneasy heart.
Her ebony hair, now tinted brown, blew softly in the breeze
While her tan skin glowed with the sun’s flooding rays.
She was with her mother,
Who she held in a tight embrace.
This was her mother,
Not the mother who gave birth to her, but the one who gave her the precious gift of life.
The plum blossoms around them
Danced joyfully,
Rejoicing the end of a day
And the beginning of a new one.