underneath all that
apearances aren't supposed to matter
but they do
we're not supposed to look at someone one the street and think gosh what a freak
but we do
we're supposed to see beyond all the dirt and the grime that the world leaves behind on broken individuals like ourselves
but really
we don't
we look it the mirror and we don't see what's really there
we don't see a heart that loves so heard that you'd think it's burst for all that it holds but it never will and we don't see a mind that dreams dreams that go beyond the natural and move straight into the beautiful sunset we like to call the future
all we see is the dirt
so we make that dirt look pretty
we put up fascinating personas and let everyone look and see that you've got it together you're alright you know what you're doing
but it's not real
it's just a filter you want the world to see you through
but is that really you
are you really that put together?
not really
but we're all broken in our own beautiful ways, and each way is lovely in and of itself, sharp corners and rounded edges in a myriad of colours all looking apart like idividually crafted works of art, but together
we make a mosaic
a mosaic of souls singing in harmony and hearts longing together, all despreatly wishing we could be like everyone else
but there is no "everybody else"
ther's just us
so put down the filter, drop the facade
you're real