Under the Influences
This is my brain on drugs.
I'm a lonely man apart from my animals:
So first it's my brain on bugs.
I loved them even when there existed arthropods longer than I was tall.
I was a little boy with his mind enraptured
With a net, in a web
Living as pets, raised and bred.
My brain on bugs is a sponge; I'm their student, gradually learning how to speak their languages.
They change my thinking, keep me healthy.
They (the people, not the bugs) say
You're never more than three feet from a spider.
And for that I am thankful.
I'm a different man when I can't create:
Now it's my brain on paper.
Or wire, or clay, or any combination of media I manipulate to express myself.
Mom showed me as a toddler how to make anything
If I applied my mind, freely drew
Short pencils to grind, but I always grew.
My brain on art is active; if I begin with no idea to explore it's never long before I make one.
Art is my calm, content away from stress.
I need to work it into every day.
The decision to make art is not always a choice, at this point,
And that never ceases to amaze me.
I can't doodle in the margins.
I can go without, this one time.
I was an empty man before I met Him:
My Life.
Above all else it's my brain on Christ.
I may be the one who controls my thoughts, but God takes care of my heart.
The seat of emotion
O to pray without ceasing, to make my will His
Love forever increasing, our gift that I give.
My brain on Christ is whole; I am inspired and motivated by the One I represent to the world.
Who better to alter my mind than the One who built it?
Every morning I say hello.
Thank you, I trust you, I will follow you.
You gave me this brain for your good reasons.