I see your smile
I know your mind
No words need be said
I understand.
Focused on each other
We listen and we care
Laughter ripples like water
Together, we are.
Others are here, yes,
And we value them, yes,
But a special bond remains,
A line between us two.
Each friendship is special
Each is unique
And so is ours
We know.
And then time begins to roll
and rear it’s ugly head
Change begins
Now a little less than before.
Slowly, surely,
Not knowing why
Faster, stronger, without care
Our world shifts and shimmers and splits.
Shattered shards cascade down
Spurred by angry, lashing words
Contorted faces, stone deaf ears
Outside the whirlwind,
We die inside.
The scars run deep
and i still dont know why you left