Unbreakable Soul
Born unique and different not handicapped, lets get that straight
My baby brother he crys and screams from all the looks and hate
He cant help it he was born that way, deformed bones unable to walk
You would think kids would understand be sympathetic but they just glare and talk
Brittle Bone disease is something you cant cure or treat
It's with him for a lifetime but he never will ever call defeat
The kids that bully and torment and tease him till tears
Will never see how strong he is, and has been for years
Bullying needs to stop it is the one thing I would change
No more being afraid of school becasuse people think your strange
You should be able to be yourself and this goes for every girl and boy
We should create self empowerment not try to rip it or destroy
My brother dropped out of school and refuses to go back
Denied of an education becasue kids would attack
We all need to stop and take a look at what we say
You never know it can make or break someones day
My brothers bones may break and the tears may fall
As he got made fun of and he wheeled down the hall
But with the help of you and achiveing my goal
All the bullying will stop and my brother will have an unbreakable soul