Typical Antics of a Yellowhorse
As a young womAn growing up on a reservation
I have had to live with leSs than most
I struggle everyday to reacH my highest goals
I am sometimes up Late studying by lamp light
The love I have for A+ gradEs is not as strong as my love for others
Pizza is mY life
But family comes before anYthing else
I can have a love larger than the ocEan for those closest to me
But mostLy, I am just human
I am constantLy making mistakes
I have my, more Often than most, blonde moments
I am the silly, Weird, quiet girl in the back
I'm an unbelievably gullible cHild I must to admit
but, only because I like tO think no one will tell me a lie
I am a fragile giRl, both physically and emotionally
I am also the Sweetest person you will ever meet
I am always mE, without filter
This poem is about: