Tyler Perry Sucks
Producer, director, writer, and actor, Tyler Perry, sucks and I'll tell you why;
He wants to build a shelter for trafficked girls, homeless girls, and displaced and youthful fags and dykes and that's no lie.
Perry sucks because he won't allow homeless men to live in his shelter, as you can see;
Perry sucks because he doesn't give a shit about homeless men and I'm speaking honestly.
The majority of people that are homeless are men, which is a fact;
Since Perry doesn't give a damn about the homeless men, then he's full of crack.
Perry sucks because he only gives a shit about the women and the fags and dykes;
His bitchy character, Madea, is someone that I don't like.
His shows also suck and what I'm saying is true;
Fornicating is what that son of a bitch likes to do.
Tyler Perry sucks because he's also a sinful bastard and here's something else that I'll tell;
When that ugly fuck passes away, he'll be rotting in hell.