Two Forms of Expression
As my name can easily give away...
I am a tubist.
But I am not your average tubist,
for I am not only female,
but I see the tuba as my life
Most won't understand
And this I can accept
But next to poetry
It is tuba that saved my life
These two things in combination
Kept me from walking the wrong path
They kept me enlightened and happy
And lit the way to dreams and fantasies
The music of my heart
is poured out through the gleaming bell of my tuba
While my thoughts are poured onto paper
Both are expressions of me
Tuba being raw, explosive, unbound
Poetry being calculated, determined, analyzed
These two things together
Describe who I am
Internally, I am cold and calculating...
forever second guessing
On the outside I am warm, welcoming
A person with no bounds and no worries
I blend together the words and the music
To make sense of myself
Even though myself
Makes no sense to anyone else