Two Different Places, Two Different Faces
I dream amongst the stars
Yet live with buildings and cars
Two different places
Two different faces
Both have freedom, both have bars.
I sing amongst the stars
I dance along with Mars
Peace and freedom
Reign in this Kingdom
I shine with Sun, Moon, and Stars
I live within a civilization
Running towards damnation
I fight it boldly
While others act coldly
Making it fall nation after nation
I paint next to the Moon
And make my music a gentle tune
Venus teaches me love
While Angels smile above
And to Death, I am immune.
I stay with my physical body
Character and Strength speak for me
Wisdom and Pride
Are close by my side
As is brutal Honesty
All this to say
As I go throughout my day
I'm living in two different places
With slightly different faces
But honest and strong I will stay.