Tuna St
Peddling fast down that black slate,
circling that busy cul-de-sac.
I peddle faster.
That snowy dog stares at me
through the silver gate next door-
one blue one green.
I peddle faster.
John launches over his roof
into the cloudless sky,
his trampoline as his spaceship.
I peddle faster.
Taylor and Bryan pet manatees
belly-down on their dock, small hands dangling,
stretching to feel the rough gray blob.
I peddle faster.
Sydney and Amanda race down the sidewalk,
rollerblading on hand-me-down skates,
lifting one blade off the ground triumphantly smiling.
I fall.
Running home all scraped up
crying for the healing coos of my mom,
dreading the sting of hydrogen peroxide.
-Nicole Bevilacqua