Trying But She Can't
She holds her up
Shows her confidence with a smile
Trying not to show the pain
From memories that won't go away
She tries but she can't,
So she goes on
Looking for something to fill the viod,
Something she can touch and feel it's touch back
A person,
But here comes vulnerability
Wanting to hear his heartbeat
She tries so hard but she can't,
So she pulls out paper and pen then begins
Tears turing into words
Words flowing like a waterfall
On that paper of which she writes
She tries so hard but she can't,
It's hard for her to talk about how she feels
But she finally lets the words fly,
Like a bird free from captivity
"I want to feel his touch,
I wan to smell his cologne
Hear his voice
See his smile"
She tries so hard but she can't,
Hold back her tears any longer
Streaming down her face
Her heart begins to race,
What is this feeling ?
What is happening ?
Why is this happening ?
This, this yearning
Yearning for what ?
For love
This need for love is slowly breaking her down
To a place where the real her can't be found
Only a facade
She tries so hard but she can't,
But she puts her thoughts away
For the time being
Going back to her daily routine,
And tomorrow she'll come back
And in that notebook bound
She will write them down.