Trying to Become ME
As I walk down the hallway wondering.
Drifting out the window, I imagine what life would be like in five years.
Would I be living in my dreams,
Or struggling to show my identity.
All these windows and no actions in sight.
My mind should be clear
But these feelings cloud my life.
College is about the experiences,
Yet I am strangled by the what if.
The confusion of this world.
The world’s darkness smashes me to the ground of loneliness
With all this light there is no clarity.
One day I dream to know
I will be magically in the life I want to be
These lights would bring clarity
And these window will be the door to Me.
I will become the woman I am meant to be
I will continue to walk in my destiny
Support of this hallway will help me
connect with me The Me I'm destined to be.