Truth Hurts
You walk around like you are so high and mighty
You put yourself on a pedestal
you’re the sane one
The reasonable one
The calm one
So I thought
But lately you've changed
Lately your behavior resembles that of my alcoholic mother
Except, your not an alcoholic
So Tell me,
when is it ever okay for a father to scream and cuss in his daughters face
It's not okay
With mom it's to be expected
When the glass is in her hand insanity can be detected
You say be patient
Be kind
she's sick
it’s the alcohol talking
But tell me dad
What's your excuse
What's your excuse for making your daughter feel so small
Dose it make you feel more like a man?
Do you feel powerful
See the difference between you and mom is
she has a somewhat plausible excuse
You don't
Truth Hurts