The Truth about Teachers
A desk has reason on its surface
But not always do they deserve us.
We project our feelings and our distaste;
We act like learning is all a race
But we can trust, if all else fails
A projection of knowledge where truth prevails.
And yet you teachers still do not see,
Knowledge is all I truly want to believe
This truth about schooling and what it means to learn
No longer should you let my face discern
How smart I am or how smart they are
I contradict them; I put their thoughts at war.
Girls can do anything guys can do better!
That’s how the saying goes; I’m that go-getter!
I don’t care about your latest Instagram post
Your life to me may remain a ghost
I don’t look like them, act like them, feel like them
But I sure as hell can work hard! Ahem!
Haven’t I already proven to you
That your insides—not out—are what make you who
You are, and will always be?
Don’t argue with me!
Accept the truth about school! About life!
Or does it just bother you too much to not be right?
You teachers of mine, you don’t understand
Learning was never meant to be bland
For those other kids, they don’t care like I do
I want to learn, to be part of the truth
The truth that has always been denied to me
The truth that, they tell us, can set us free!
We won’t know if you don’t show us
And I don’t understand why you make such a fuss
When we can’t do what you ask us to
When you’ve given no teaching or homework to do!
Don’t blame us for the lack of effort
You’ve given us plenty of room for retort!
Teach us something that will keep us plastered
To a screen, to your lips, to something! Blasted!
We are all great “someones”
But many think they are “no ones”
Help us prove them wrong damn it!
What have you gained from my timely fit?
I used to love this learning spree
It made me think of a future and, incredulously
I could imagine myself there, my nose in my books
Laboring, sulking, but happy in my corner nooks
I would be thanking you then
But now I look forward and ask myself when?
When will I be able to use
The useless knowledge I’ve been taught in school?
Not that I don’t care, no of course I still do
Just, remind me again when we’ll get to the truth?
That truth about life that school should help provide
What change can I make in you teachers’ lives?
I was taught to love learning
I go to school with great yearning
For knowledge, for character, for personal jokes,
To remember, to harness, to put a stick in the stokes
Of that wheel that keeps turning, luring me in,
The cycle of teachers that has turned children to sin…