The Truth
the feeling of the desire to laugh because you are happy.
the desire to smile because this time you know it's true.
the moment of breakthrough you have ignites your soul with a burning fire.
the feelings you feel inside because you finally feel worth breathing the air around you.
Surrounding yourself with people no longer entangles your mind to anxiety.
instead of cutting you want to write.
instead of dreaming of dying or dreaming thereof
you dream the dream you wish you had all along
you have the burning passion to be able to finish school
because you are no longer afraid
no more over thinking life's problems
no more running away from them
no more wishing you can disappear
this is your breakthrough
this is the true you
no more holding in everything inside
because you are afraid of what they would say.
no more crying at night because you feel like you are worthless
you are worth
worthy of the air
that hugs your lungs with life
worthy of the smile
that you can truly do freely
worthy of your souls happiness
because in all truthfulness
that is what you want
to be happy doesn't mean you won't get sad
it does not mean that the fight you've been fighting won't creep up again
the happiness you have is the strength inside of you
to deal with the heartache
to deal with the pain
learn how to cry
learn how to mourn
but in a positive way
the truth inside you
will only be found when you least expect it.
because waiting for the joy to arrive
waiting for the depression to decrease
and the anxiety to subside
waiting for your peace of mind
it won't help you get there faster
it won't help you cope with the things that you want gone
although people may not know what you go through
although others see happiness
as an easy target to reach
that does not mean that they are superior
it does not mean that something is wrong with you
all it means is finding what works
what's the truth for you?
what IS truth for you?
The truth is your breakthrough!