Trumpian musings
Musings of Trumpian nature.
Twisting bloated in the wind
Is this man with but his ego as friend
He's got it all and he doesn't lose
While all around him regard their shoes
Yet he is all powerful and decency has flown
So who will now come to cut him down?
(And I speak not of some treasonous act)
But whom among us his conscience still his own
Will put an end to this man blown
I beg my countrymen (and women)
Kick harder now to keep on swimming
Our heads held high above the water
Our hearts unreduced to cannon fodder
This man we can and will survive
And once again may even thrive
But before and now we must pull together
Find our courage, our spine, whatever
For now comes the time to cut him down
As we hold much more of value than this one clown
The lives of our children will be better
If we cut him down now, much sooner than later