

United States
36° 0' 33.2316" N, 81° 33' 34.7148" W

(poems go here)
No One will ever truly know me.
How can they when they never even try,
because I smile they assume I am happy.

No One Knows Me.
I hide behind a mask,
they just never did get it.

No One Knows Me.
It is a difficult task,
always there for people but they are never truly there for me.

No One Knows Me.
Friendships, I have many,
if I do why do I still feel alone in this world?

No One Knows Me.
I guess it is just a curse,
they wouldn't understand.

No One Knows Me.
They wouldn't care,
they would call it a teenage phase.

The emotionless mask will be up forever more,
waiting for someone to take it off of me.
No one will ever truly know me.

Guide that inspired this poem: 



i was in a depressed mood


I often feel like this on my very lowest days. Thanks for writing this.

MVP-Most Valuable Poet

thank you for sharing your poem
people that truly know you will accept you for who you are
part of friendship is listening and being supportive
i hope that people will truly know who you are
great job in writing this poem

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