A true Friend


United States
31° 47' 42.1836" N, 106° 21' 29.3508" W

I've known you for what seems like forever.
When i asked if you'd hurt me,
you said never.
We were like the best of friends.
When i questioned your loyalty,
you promised it wouldn't end,
It seemed like you were my idol, my star.
When i thought you'd leave,
you swore to never go far.
It seemed like you were true.
When i cried out my feelings,
you said you'd help me through.
But now i wonder,
as i sit and ponder...
What happened to that human being,
who meant so much to me?
What happened to those promises written in stone,
that left me alone, long ago?
I see you every now and then,
after you had left me in the end.
You look alive and well.
And me, I'm in an agonizing hell.
You were a friend that was never true.
But if you come to me,
I'll be here for you.


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