True Filters Can NEVER Turn Off
when people ask me who I am,
i always give tHem the correct answer.
the filtered Answer:
~i am ambiTious
"i work hard to bE a leader"
~i am honesT
"no lies from tHis gal."
~i strivE for excellence
"i'm a Perfectionist."
~i am diligEnt
"In fact, i neveR procrastinate."
But the filtered anSwer is a lie.
sO, who am I really?
Now that's a tricky question...
Some would call me a diamond.
Others? a shining star.
well those answers are Complete bullshit.
If i am a diamond,
it is bEcause of all of the unwanted pressure
The pressure to be perfect
one daY, i might be shooting
but it won't be because i'M a star
All i am
is a Disgrace
a disgracE to my true self.
i'M lost
Every mirror i look into mocks me
all I see is a stranger.
this straNger was created by the expectations of others
i Think that my true inner self was murdered,
killed years agO
how can I teLl you who I am,
when i have Only been taught to filter
all i haVe is my strict line,
my cage of rulEs and regulations.
mAybe, i am just a filter
maYbe the filter has a few cracks in it
a lIttle hope for me,
And other programmed zombies like me.
so do me (aNd all of my fellow tin soldiers) a favor:
read All the capitals
and hopefully get a glimpse of the unfilter Me.