True Colors
"Show your true self and people will like you"
That's what they said but, is that true?
Will they stop judging you if you show them your true self?
Bringing out your true colors could make you seems weird though
So why not stay behind the curtain like the wizard from Wizard of Oz
That way you can be safe and away from the cruetly of the world
Or do you want to show your true colors?
Maybe someone will like you and not find you a totally weirdo
In my life I brought out my true colors and my friends may think im a weirdo
But, you know what... that's okay because it's not in a bad way like anyone else
I finally found someone to be a complete weirdo with
My boyfriend
And I love it...he accepts me for who I am
It's okay to be different
If your okay with be a little weird or different then dont be the wizard
Step out from behind the curtain and show the world your true colors