The Trouble With Forgetting
She doesn’t want to remember
All that’s happened
During those awful months
Her brain tries to repress
But it’s hard
Their awful words
Her atrocious pedagogy
Stays with her
The dreams finally stopped
Of her walking into that place
All of them staring
Hatred oozing omnipresently
Her sister joked of “post-traumatic stress”
She hates dwelling on it
The why would a teacher do that?
The what would cause a teacher to do that?
The who hires a teacher like that?
And why
After everything that’s happened
Is SHE still teaching there?
But she’s given up trying
To answer the questions that will
Never be answered
She just wants to forget
Put it behind her
But she can’t
It follows her
The hatred still omnipresent
Even now that she’s free
It comes up a lot
In conversations
Without her even realizing it
Those girls were her sisters
And they abandoned her
That woman was her teacher
And SHE broke her
All of it
Affected her
Strengthened her
Sculpted her
Changed her
She’s different now
I guess that’s the trouble with forgetting