Easy to get in, hard to get out
That's what my life consists of
That's what I'm all about.
One thing a teen always gets into:
I swear it's my real middle name
If anything happens,
I'm always the one to blame.
Whether I did it or not...
Trouble, I'm always in that spot.
Forget to do one of my chores,
You feel as if I'm talking with an attitude,
Mad because you forgot where I told you I was going,
Trouble, trouble, trouble
Easy to get in it, hard to get out
That's what my life consists of
That's what I'm all about.
What makes it even worse
Is when the "trouble" I'm in causes you to curse
Showing disrespect and calling me names
Saying things so hurtful
And trying to put me into shame.
I don't feel ashamed, it just brings up the lion on the inside
But I keep it in; I let the lion hide.
If I ever let the lion out,
You'd see a whole other side to me
But I'll keep that to myself,
For you'd see what a monster I could be.
Easy to get in, hard to get out
That's what my life consists of
That's what I'm all about.
Trouble, trouble, trouble,
I can never get out
Trouble, trouble, trouble
You never want to hear me out.
Easy to get in, hard to get out
That's what my life consists of
That's what I'm all about