Trip to Grandmas

Thu, 11/21/2013 - 11:06 -- ashgolf

Bags are packed, car is ready to go,

Come on Ash quit moving so slow.

Moaning and groaning,complaing about the trip,

I knew if i didnt get in the car, mom was gonna flip. 

I grabbed my blanket and jumped in the car,

dredding the trip because its just so far. 

We stoppeed at the store and bought some goods ,

and continued down the road and into the woods.

Standing on the porch waiting, she would greet us with such delight ,

Jumping out of the car, I ran and gave her a hug with all my might.

Realizing how much I truely missed Grandma. 


Bags are packed, car is ready to go,

This time I was ready; just excited you know.

Singing and dancing, cheerful about the trip 

If Dad didnt hurry up and drive I was gonna flip. 

I grabbed my blanket, and layed in the car,

Sleeping all the way there, It didnt seem so far. 

Stopped at the only station in town, and bought some goods,

And just down the road was her house in the woods. 

Standing she waited again with such delight,

I smiled and ran to her and hugged her with all my might. 

Realizing how much I truley missed Grandma. 


Bags are packed, car is ready to go,

This time everyone was moving slow. 

Not sure how I feel about the trip,

Life is just not fair and im ready to flip. 

I grabbed my blanket and stepped into the car,

wishing she didnt have to live so far.

Never stopped to get any goods,

just cotinued the journey into the woods.

I envisioned her standing there with such delight ,

Holding my tears back with all my might. 

Realizing how much I truely miss Grandma 













This is an amazing poem.

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