I’m afraid to tell you
Because I’m not sure how you’ll take it.
Ma’am, I’m different.
I’m not like my brothers or my sisters.
I’m trapped inside
This body that doesn’t belong to me.
If you look at me from the outside,
You see a girl
But if you look at me from the inside,
You see a boy.
I’m not comfortable
With how I look.
These feelings are real
I’m just not sure how to explain it.
It makes me want
To rip my skin apart
To crawl out
Of my very being.
I still like makeup
And sometimes wear girly clothes
But I want to cut my hair
And have surgery.
This isn’t a snap decision
I’ve felt this way for a while.
I’m sorry if this disgusts you
I hope you’re not disappointed
Because you mean so much to much
And I really don’t want to lose you, too.