Translation Please
Voices wander along the wind
Across land and sea
Restricted, blocked, impeeded
Distorted, defomed, misshapen
Entire worlds remain locked away
Keys distributed to a lucky few
Words imprinted on them
"Remember to sharpen"
Some heed this warning others don't
Their keys dull and rust with time
Still others past the point of no return
For them the doors close and relock
Back to square one
No receiving signal from the other side
Struggling communication
Silence and a smile with mumbled apologies
The message is lost
One world comprised of many big and small
Many languages abound
Endless opportunities abroad
But few master this skill
Leaving walls to form for many
A sword is drawn
The barrier attacked
With one strike it cracked
Shattering and reveling a new world
Communication built
Country to country
Continent to Continent
Language connects the world
All it took was drive to master the skill
As time passes those wiith skill age and wither
And a new set of youngsters must arise
With a staircase of challenges set before them
Now a young one stands at the bottom of a staircase
With a desire to travel
Burning hotter than the sun
A love for challenges
Innate within the soul
But all around questions surround
Will she make it?
How will she get the funds?
Who will support her?
Once again she finds her own answer
Through countless hours of research
Ready she turns from the staircase
Not to run--no to forge her own path
With an outstretched hand she asks
"Will you help me take the first step?"
A smile adorns her lips as she awaits the reply