Trans Ban
My heart dropped
my stomach flipped
Tears ran down my face as I openly mourned
I couldn't turn away
Like watching a car crash and burn
The Pentagon said "they were pleased"
Banning trans troops from serving the country
Today children's dreams were shattered
Today lives turned upside down
Think about the words you say
Think about the people who are listening
We are no different than you
We dream
We laugh
We cry
You say it's too expensive
$84 million is spent on Viagra
No one ever killed themselves over limp dick
But if his dysfunctional penis is a government concern
Why isn't her life
Or his right to be his true self
How can I be proud to call this nation home
When your saying that you see us as less than
I stand with my brothers and sisters and everyone in-between
I'm angry
I'm sad
And I just want to scream
If you want us to fight for our country
You have to fight for us too