The Toxicity of Silence
She was a sweet baby girl, but her story was never told —
Her heart dangling by a hair-width string, so bare and so cold;
Her emotions grew to be a matted mess, lodged inside her brain
Like the locks that grew atop her head, scalp sprouting them in vain.
Seldom did she grouse about the happiness she lacked,
Never did she speak her mind, with fear of being attacked —
No one knew the pain she felt, or listened to her cries;
Convulsion puncturing her soul — it could be seen within her eyes.
Her demons swarmed around her, a meal was what they wanted,
But her heart was all she had left, though it hung traumatized and daunted:
With the violent swipe of a claw, it was torn from her possession;
The monsters chewed it up and swallowed like food from a concession.
With an eerie shrill, she collapsed to the ground —
Isolated and forgotten, never to be found:
Her hallowed body was interred over the years by the Earth's shifting shape
And dragged beneath the surface to greet the Hell she thought she'd escaped.