I open my Bible to see what you have to say. My heart feeling shattered, I'm only a tear away from giving up today.
I'm surrounded by blessings but I feel like I mess things up too often to be worthy of them. I don't know what is wrong with me.
The words on these pages, have healed through the ages. I'm not giving up. I will look on up, to YOU.
Every word written by them is YOU, every word read by me is YOU
Every message is a tool YOU gave me to use in the trenches.
Every night is an open door for my mind to wonder. I can't cry so I just stare into the night. Internally I cry out to you with all my might. I wonder how this is fair, do I dare to wake in the morning? I cry out to you, please break this cycle.. I open my Bible.
The day is going fine, you spoke to me last night and said it was mine to conquer. I used my tool a time or two, God I'm thinking of you.
Half way through, I can't do it anymore. I can't face the world, I want to walk right out the door.... So I pick up my Bible
The words on these pages, have healed through the ages. I'm not giving up. I will look on up, to YOU.
Every word written by them is YOU, every word read by me is YOU
Every message is a tool YOU gave me to use in the trenches.