The Time it Didn't Hurt
I was once told,
To dream a new dream
To think I could have anything I want
But just for a second
For that one second
I felt all was right in the world
That people were good to each other
That people learned from their mistakes
60 seconds
Where that father in some distant place
Didn’t shout at his child
Where he realized his words hurt
Where the child learned to love his father again
And to think I could have anything I wanted
For success to be within my reach
I yearn for a new understanding
As to why my happiness only lasts a second
And never seconds
Never minutes
Nor years
Just one
But even so
I still stand and I wait for that second
Where I can imagine what it is i want
But as the clock strikes 12 I learn
What it really meant for time to stand still
Dream a new dream
Because maybe the one you have now isn’t what you really want