
Tue, 08/06/2013 - 11:23 -- Bubb1y

Doesn’t it seem like time has just disappeared like a dream?  It just speeds by as fast as a bullet so that everyone it hits feels the impact.  Memories flood my mind of those peaceful days.  Those days when we would wake up in each other’s arms and watch the sunrises on the dock.  Where the reflection would shimmer and shine on the clear blue pond that we would never think about touching in winter.  The days when the sun shone and we could run, jump, hop, skip, and shout without so much as an ache or a pain.  We are very familiar with time and all that it brings.  These kids now a days that I watch from a far fooling around, not knowing how good they have it.  They have this naïve thought that they hold the power to change the hands of time.  Speed up, slow down, but no matter how hard they plead they have no control.  At a young age, we realized this about time.  We realized everything happens with time.  We lived life.  So all I wish I could have now is the good old days back where everything seemed easier.  


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