Am I deserving of this home?
For when was the last time I slowed
closed my eyes, let time fall back
Feel the ripples, its beauty
The beauty of this privileged —
this so spoiled yet opportunistic life?
For when was the last time I slowed, gazing out my kitchen window?
The last time I captured the beauty of the alluring sunset
The eye-healing, opening hues of orange, blue, pink.
How could I ignore my home,
This precious call of warmth?
For when was the last time I slowed, tasting the sweet-sour concoctions of my nanay at tatay?
My favorite dish
Which ignites small fire in my mouth,
Slowly seeping into the depths of my stomach —
The comforting warmth of affection.
When was the last time?
For when was the last time I felt so naive, so ignorant?
The last time I let time slow past me,
Feeling the steady flow of the river
And the cool, tickling carpet on my arms and legs,
leaving that pesky pesticide-made itch behind
For when did I realize I can control time myself?
The monochrome memories — the rolling blue light, or the nature?
The consumerism and media, or the hilarious cackle of a friend?
The tiny conversations, the smiles.
The tip-tat of the rain, and affectionate, warm huddles
The simplicities of life.
all slowed down.
That is how you control time
in your loving abode.