Time tell me how can we sit here and abuse the fact that we’re running out
Why continue to let the burden of our grudges ride our backs when time is so short
Hurting, strangling, and suffocating our love ones we take out our corrupted ways out on the innocent
What did a child do to you parents, were just here breathing because we were conceived
We didn’t ask to be here and what if, if you didn’t we now exist
Suffering this so called life you handed down to us, we remain the unseen being
The tortured, taunted and abused being whose life is no longer meaningful because you try your best to make it hell
And in this world that’s no longer a world we burn in the fire of hatred
Hatred that’s not even for us but is always directed towards us like a living target
And time is still going by for one day we will grow in that pain
And you would be wise to check the time because in time we will hate
Your blessing will become a curse and not only to you but to ourselves
For the cycle of time will continue and when it is our time, we will carry the burden
It is we who are now corrupted with the rage we can’t let go because a mother didn’t play her part because her father didn’t care and her family didn’t act as one
And we don’t want to be like you and for once you can agree
But we’re too blind by revenge to hear what you finally see
And it is too late to help us for your time has cut short
Too late to love us now, that plan is now abort
You better listen why we speak, for a time will come when we speak no more
All the love you thought we had went in and out the front door
Soon someone will die and God will say it’s time
Please don’t depart from this world with that grudge on your spine
Don’t be too sidetracked with the pain we carry from the pain that you still have
I hope we get a chance to talk it out before time cross or paths