People see me smiling
Shining like the follower of the sun (son) I am
But they do not know I am ever so anxious
And not a bit confident
Even as I am on stage I can feel my hands sweating
Beads on my neck
I am afraid of scared
And I am afraid of what scared looks like
It looks like a hand shaking
A girl who cries in her bedroom
And writes poems about the pain
They remind me of this one
So I have a process: I cry, I write, and I perform
I am not as pretty as I look
I put on a makeuped smile
I joke because I would rather do that than cry
I tell myself “I wish I was a clown, at least this would be funny”
I laugh about everything and cry about nothing
So the bottle I am keeping my feelings in is filling up rather quickly
I want to be numb sometimes
I wanna pretend that I don’t hurt
Truth is I’ve been hurting since day 1
I wanna pretend that my tears are fake
And that I have allergies
That dust fell in my eye and
I rubbed them too much
I wanna pretend that these tears
don’t exist
That the sniffling of my nose
Is just a common cold
I wanna pretend that I’m fine
I wanna tip off my hat and hug everybody
But my exterior and my internal desires do not usually match
My flesh wants to slap somebody
My spirit wants to give love to everybody
So I am somewhere in the middle
I appear on stage: a Nigerian princess with sharp wit and a sharper tongue
But the truth is I have overconfidence to cover up
my fragile
childlike confidence
Which stands on stilts
But onto poetry
For balance
I hope I can rise instead of fall
I believe that I can stare you in the face and become a lie
Instead of telling you what’s up, I’ll say fine
I can’t tell you I really don’t know how I can afford this thing called college
My parents aren’t as supportive as I make them seem
And even I am starting to question my dreams
Maybe that’s why they turn into nightmares
I wanna pretend that I’m fine so I will
Fake it ‘til I make it
With a makeuped smile on my face
I will say
I’m confident
I’m beautiful
And Yes, I’m fine
I’m not a beautiful liar
I’m a beautiful lie
And you don’t even realize it
So what exactly does anxiety look like
If you pull back the curtains called a smile
And look at my roller-coaster of a life
You’ll realize that it’s on the edge
Cliff hanging coaster of life
Will you realize then
Or sir will you still question me because I make jokes
Or madame will you still wonder how I keep it together
I have kept my lies so long
Maybe I starting to believe them
That I am actually very practiced at this art
Maybe I starting to improve
Maybe I’m happy
Maybe the tears and the smiles are both
Maybe my roller-coaster is just taking off
I am a thunderhawk with casualties everywhere I go
Everlasting Pain mixed in with pure joy
So I become everlasting joy