Through The Eyes Of The Hurt
I thought what we had
was love
i thought you were my hero
my angel sent from above
i thought I'd have your heart
till the end of time
but it turns out
it was never truly mine
the things you said
we're never true
including when you said
i'd always have you
I gave you my heart
but you crushed it
my head screamed to run
but you hushed it
should have listened
to my instincts
because our hearts
were never in sync
i wanted one thing
you wanted another
I wanted to be loved
you wanted a lover
i wanted to wait
you wanted to rush
and to get what you wanted
my morals you crushed
you made me doubt
what I was raised to believe
not realizing all you wanted
was to use me
you got what you wanted
and for that I'm ashamed
but you'll never get it all
bet that's an obstacle
in your little game
you'll never get lucky
no four leaf clover
what we had is done